Explain Grammar Tags

tag name example
NOM noun acker, zît
NAM name Uolrîch, Wiene, Rhîn
ADJ adjective grôz, schoene
ADV adverb schone, schnelleclîche
ART article der, eine
DET determinant ditze, mîn, ieman
POS possessive pronoun mîn, dîn, unser
PRO pronoun ich, ez, wir
PRP preposition ûf, zuo, under
NEG negation nie, âne, niht
NUM numeral ein, zwô, zweinzegest
CNJ conjunction als, und, abr
GRA gradation particle sêre, vil
IPA interrogative particle swer, swar, wie
VRB verb als, wie
VEX auxiliary verb haben, sîn, werden
VEM modal verb müezen, suln
INJ interjection ahî, owê
CPA comparative particle als, wie

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